Friday, June 1, 2007

New Jersey Auto Insurance NJ Car Insurance New Jersey Life Insurance

New Jersey Car Insurance For Young DriversIt is no secret that New Jersey has some of the highest insurance rates in the country. Even more troubling is the fact that insurance carriers are leaving the state and not renewing policies leaving automobile drivers in the dust. Though this may cost the average driver a fair sum, a new driver may soon need to take out a mortgage to pay new driver auto insurance premiums in New Jersey. If you are a first time driver or the parent of a first time driver read below. It may be the difference between driving and walking…

New Jersey Home Owner's Insurance: Do You Have Enough?It is no secret that home values in New Jersey have skyrocketed in the past couple of years. A lot of homeowners have unrealized capital gains of 50% or more from the values of their homes. It is important that your homeowner’s coverage is indicative of the actual value of your home. Otherwise you could be facing the harsh reality of underinsurance in a time of tragedy. Here are some steps to take to stay savvy on not only your home’s value, but also your home’s insurance.Life Insurance: One of Life's Most Important DecisionsThe important of life insurance has always been understated. Some Americans feel that the life insurance that they get with their employer (if they are even that lucky) is plenty.

Most Americans don’t even know how much life insurance they have or how much they need. Neglect for careful life insurance planning in most cases will lead to a disaster. Life insurance does not have to cost a fortune and can reap benefits for you weather you live a full life or die unexpectedly. Long Term Care In New JerseyIn New Jersey insurence is a lot of fuss has been made about popular long term care insurance. With climbing premiums, sometimes tight-fisted payouts, and more and more insurers closing shop, is long term care insurance really right for you?It’s true that the United States is severely lacking affordable care for the elderly. It seems as though Medicare is limiting its coverage with every passing day and medical expenses are growing faster than ever. The most costly care comes in the final stages of life when assistance in the activities of daily living (eating, walking, bathing, toileting) is needed. The average cost of a nursing home in New Jersey is nearly $150 per day!